Collection: Turquoise Tibetan

Turquoise Tibetan

Spiritual & Healing Properties:

• Protection: Tibetan turquoise is revered as a protective stone, guarding against negativity and harm.
• Communication: It enhances clear communication and helps express one’s truth.
• Healing: It balances emotions and instills inner calm. Used to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system.
• Spiritual Growth: Tibetan turquoise is considered sacred in Tibetan culture, often used in prayer beads and rituals to aid meditation and spiritual alignment.

Factual Information:

• Appearance: A sky-blue to greenish-blue stone with veins of black or brown matrix.
• Location: Tibetan turquoise is mined in Tibet and the Himalayan regions. It is prized for its rich hues and unique patterns.
• Care: Sensitive to chemicals, heat, and prolonged exposure to water; requires gentle care.